Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Hypocrite and A Mother of 2 Cuties...

I am going to be really honest and say that I am a hypocrite... I admit it!  I find it so annoying when a blogger starts a blog post with "I haven't written in a long time."  I find myself judging these people each time a post is started in this or any similar fashion, but I have now joined their rank... yep, I haven't published a blog post in over 2 months!  2 months!  I was blogging on average about once a week for at least half of a year... and then my motivation just tanked!

Believe me, I still keep a running list of topics.  But the list is now so long, it is depressing and overwhelming to try to get started on checking them off the list (by actually writing about them, not just deleting them).  And I have started probably 5 posts here and there over the past few months that I never finished.  Most of the time it was because I was interrupted during the initial attempt to write, and then life gets in the way.

I am just glad that this blog doesn't feed or clothe me or my family in any way, because we would be cold and starving!!!

I received a very exciting package in my DropBox today, though, (which I didn't even know was a thing until yesterday), from our family photographer... that's right!  My son, Keegan Russell, turned 6 months old on October 29th, and my dear friend and wonderful photographer, Cassy Pack, captured his cuteness on some hiking trails near Tulsa.  It was a little chilly that late afternoon, and I was stressed about matching colors and making sure my belt and Emersyn's skirt issues were resolved... such silly things to jeopardize the peace and tranquility of my family over, but I am a sinful human after all... I am grateful to the Lord who convicts and forgives and restores hearts and families after a photo shoot!  I am also thankful to have a great photographer who eases the stress and makes it look like we were the happiest people on earth that day!

Yes, this is sort of a cheater-post, because basically I am just going to unashamedly post a bunch of pictures of my cuties (and my hot hubby) and let you ooh and aww over them.

And then I promise to either start a new topic VERY soon or to at least finish one of these I have started...

Until then, ENJOY and go like's Facebook page and check our her site!

I love how much they love each other! 


This happy boy brings such joy to our hearts and makes our home more complete!
I don't deserve any of my 3 blessings!